Captain toad treasure tracker episode 2
Captain toad treasure tracker episode 2

Walk to the middle to drop inside, then backtrack to the end to collect Super Gem 2.

  • Climb off onto the log at the top of the level.
  • captain toad treasure tracker episode 2

  • Turn around and climb onto the bridge as it gets blasted upwards.
  • Cross the wooden bridge, then step on the P-Switch in the corner.
  • Turn left at the end and drop out of the log.
  • Go through the next log and past the pair of Ant Troopers.
  • At the other end of the log, drop off the ledge and climb up the ladder on your left.
  • Climb the ladder on the right, then go around the corner and through the log - just take care to avoid the Ant Trooper.
  • Climb back up to where you started the level.
  • In the water, loop around to the left to pick up Super Gem 1.
  • There’s a ladder there that leads down to the water.
  • When the level starts, walk under the chute that leads to the Power Star.
  • You can follow along step-by-step from the beginning, or our helpful section titles and images will let you jump straight to any area you’re struggling with. It’s possible to complete the Bonus Challenge while collecting the Super Gems in “Stumpy Springs Sanctuary.” Below, you’ll find a guide to help you collect everything. Each also has a Bonus Challenge to complete. Every level has three Super Gems and one Power Star. You’ll find this level’s Pixel Toad behind the Stumpers.“Stumpy Springs Sanctuary” is the fifth level of Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker’s third episode. When the level starts, spin the camera so you can see the purple pipe you took down to Super Gem 2.
  • Cross over the tops of all three sets of Stumpers to get to the Power Star.
  • Climb the ladder to the top of the overhang you hid under earlier.
  • From Super Gem 3, head back to the left across the level.
  • Cross all the way across the front of the level, past the sets of Stumpers, to find Super Gem 3 in an alcove.
  • captain toad treasure tracker episode 2

    Wait for them to pass you, then run around to the front side of the overhang.Dodge them as you head to the right and get under the stone overhang there.Continue back around the fence to the area patrolled by three sets of Stumpers.Collecting it will complete this level’s Bonus Challenge.


    There’s an invisible Pluck Patch there with a Golden Mushroom. All the way to the left, step off on the rocks.Step on top of the Stumpers, then transfer to the other Stumpers when they come together.Climb the ladder between the Stumpers, then run up the ramp on the right.Go back through the purple pipe to get to the top side of the level again.Golden Mushroom and Bonus Challenge Nintendo Catch the moving Pluck Patches to find Super Gem 2.Inside, use the Stumpers to cross the pit and use the purple pipe on the other side to get to the bottom of the level.Continue past the ring of Peepas to the locked door.Quickly run over and pick up the key - if you wait too long, it will disappear and you’ll have to do all these steps again.Ride the Stumper over to the fence and drop over to the other side. Turn around and climb the ladder again.Face the fence, and toss the key over it.Go all the way back to the fence behind the second pair of Stumpers - over by where you picked up Super Gem 1.Pull the Pluck Patch on the other side to find a key.Ride on top of the first pair of Stumpers to cross the gap you hid in earlier.Drop off of the platform where you picked up Super Gem 1 behind the nearby pair of Stumpers.This gem is more complicated to get to than most, so we’re breaking it into two parts. Climb the ladder and ride on top of the next pair of Stumpers to collect Super Gem 1.Walk forward and duck into the gap on the right to avoid the Stumpers, then continue to the ladder straight back.

    captain toad treasure tracker episode 2

    It’s possible to complete this level’s Bonus Challenge while collecting the Super Gems in “Midnight in the Wandering Woods.” Below, you’ll find a guide to help you collect everything. “Midnight in the Wandering Woods” is the 12th level of Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker’s second episode.

    Captain toad treasure tracker episode 2