Aside from the corridor, it can be placed in the GP's Office, Ward, and Café (to maintain hygiene). When placed in a hospital, it will attract and contain monobeasts. The Browbeater can be obtained by completing Hair Removal, the first local project of The Superbug Initiative. Shoot 10 Monobeasts in a row without missing

There are two Steam Achievements related to the monobeasts shooting minigame: It is important to note that the targeting reticule will not available if the game is paused or on slow speed. The remains, which are highly unhygienic, will then be left for a janitor to sweep up. Clicking the left button will fire on the creature, and if a successful hit is achieved, the monobeasts will meet a messy death. When the player mouses over a monobeast, the cursor will become a targeting reticule. The other is a more involved process: when there is at least one janitor in the hospital, the monobeasts become the target of a shooting game. There are two main ways to remove monobeasts from the hospital one is to use the Browbeater item, detailed below. Although they do not cause any negative effects, it is possible to rid the hospital of them. They will not enter rooms, only remaining in corridors. After a breakneck escape and brief explorative foray, monobeasts will take it upon themselves to take refuge underneath vending machines, bins and various other items, and will not come out until the item is either picked up or sold. Hospitals may find themselves infested by vermin! The Monobeast spawns from a patient suffering from Monobrow when they sneeze, upon which it will move independently throughout the hospital.